
Workers' Compensation Terminology


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

AC-2 Form
AC-26 Form
AC-3 Form
Accidental in Nature
Adjudicating Committee
Aggravation of Pre-existing Condition
Allowed Condition
Arising Out of Employment (AOE)
Average Weekly Wage (AWW)
Causal Relationship
Certificate of Premium Payment
Claim Number
Coming and Going Rule
Date of Injury (DOI)
Disabled Workers' Relief Fund (DWRF)
Experience Exhibit
Experience Rating
Full and Final Settlement
Full and Weekly Wage (FWW)
Group Rating
Health Partnership Program (HPP)
In The Course of Employment
Industrial Commission of Ohio (IC)
Intentional Tort
International Classification of Disease (ICD-9 Codes)
Independent Medical Examination (IME)
Independent Contractors
Job Analysis
Living Maintenance
Lost Time Claim
Lump Sum Advancement
Manual Classifications
Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)
Managed Care Organization (MCO)
Medical Benefits
Medical Only Claim
National Council On Compensation Insurance (NCCI)
Non-Complying Employer
Occupational Disease
Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC)
One Claim Program
$15,000 Medical Only Program
Pain and Stress Management Program
Partial Payment Plan
Permanent Partial (percentage)
Permanent Partial (scheduled losses)
Permanent Total
Premium Discount Program
Pre-employment or Pre-placement Screening
Premium Rates
Premium Security Deposit
Provider Number
Qualified Health Plan (QHP)
Retrospective Rating
Risk Number
Scope of Employment
Statewide Average Weekly Wage (SAWW)
Statewide Disability Evaluation System (SDES)
State-Fund Employer
Third Party Administrator (TPA)
The Ohio Chamber Alliance, Inc.
Temporary Partial
Temporary Total
Transitional Work
Violation of Specific Safety Requirements (VSSR)
Wage Loss
Work Hardening Program
Zone of Employment

AC-2 Form
Permanent authorization of representation for workers' compensation claims administration.
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AC-26 Form
Employer statement for group rating plan enrollment.
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AC-3 Form
Temporary authorization to review and perform studies on certain workers' compensation matters.
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A work-related injury or disease may hasten the development of an underlying condition.
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Accidental in Nature
Sudden, unusual, unexpected occurrence happening at a particular time and place, not in the usual or expected course of events.
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The time period immediately following an injury, which includes the time expected for normal healing and recovery.
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Adjudicating Committee
A committee composed of BWC employees that renders decisions in accordance with the law and rules of the IC and BWC on requests or grievances filed by employers.
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Aggravation of Pre-existing Condition
A pre-existing condition is worsened by an injury arising in the course of employment.
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Allowed Condition
A medical condition recognized as a direct result of an industrial injury or occupational disease.
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Arising Out of Employment (AOE)
Causal connection between the injury and the performance of required work.
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Average Weekly Wage (AWW)
Used to determine the rate of lost time compensation payment to an injured worker after the first 12 weeks of injury. AWW is based on wages earned the prior year.
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Causal Relationship
Occurs through a natural and unbroken sequence of factors which result in a condition alleged in a claim.
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Certificate of Premium Payment
A certificate issued to an employer that shows effective dates of coverage. It must be conspicuously posted in your place of employment.
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Pain or disability that extends beyond the time period expected for normal recovery.
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Claim Number
An identification number assigned to a claim by BWC.
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Coming and Going Rule
Excludes injuries sustained by employees commuting to and from their fixed site of employment.
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A toll-free service allowing employers, injured workers or medical providers to file a claim by telephone.
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Date of Injury (DOI)
The date an employee suffers an injury or contracts an occupational disease at work.
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A change of an individual’s capacity to meet personal, social or occupational demands, or statutory or regulatory requirements.
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Disabled Workers' Relief Fund (DWRF)
A fund that provides permanently and totally disabled workers with a supplemental stipend to offset increases in the cost of living.
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Any person hired by another, or business firm, etc., to work for wages or a salary.
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Any person hired by another, or business firm, etc., to work for wages or a salary.
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One who employs, such as a person, business firm, etc., that hires one or more persons to work for wages or salary.
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The science that seeks to adapt work or working conditions to suit the worker.
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Aggravation of systems or increase in the severity of a disease.
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Experience Exhibit
A statement sent to each experience-rated employer that shows how BWC calculated the final experience modification (credit or penalty applied to the base rate.)
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Experience Rating
An incentive system that promotes safe working conditions by providing employers with credits or penalties based on their safety records.
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In workers’ compensation, an intentional act or series of acts resulting in payments or benefits to a person or entity not entitled to receive those payments or benefits.
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Full and Final Settlement
Lump sum payment made to an injured worker for the purpose of closing the workers' compensation claim for further medical payments and compensation benefit payment.
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Full and Weekly Wage (FWW)
Used to determine the rate of lost time compensation payment to an injured worker during the first 12 weeks of disability. FWW is based on wages earned the year prior.
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Group Rating
A special application of experience rating in which smaller employers with a particular industry may form a group for rating purposes.
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Health Partnership Program (HPP)
A program in which BWC will contract for medical management and utilization of services with managed care organizations, which must meet specific criteria to provide health-care services to injured workers.
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In The Course of Employment
Circumstances of the occurrence of the injury in terms of time, place and the activities in which the employee was involved at the time of injury.
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Industrial Commission of Ohio (IC)
The claims adjudication branch of the Ohio workers’ compensation system.
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Intentional Tort
A deliberate and intentional act by an employer to injure, cause an occupational disease or cause the death of an employee.
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International Classification of Disease (ICD-9 Codes)
A statistical classification system for medical diagnosis of diseases and injuries used by health care providers to list condition(s) being treated in a workers’ compensation claim.
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Independent Medical Examination (IME)
A medical examination by a specialist in the appropriate field, appointed by BMSO/BWC to examine the injured worker.
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A change of an individual’s health status that is assessed by medical means.
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Independent Contractors
An independent contractor is considered an employer and therefore not an employee.
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Job Analysis
A report of the physical and mental demands of a job.
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“Our exclusive endorsement of BMSO demonstrates the level of confidence our association has in the quality and value of services they provide to our members. You get five star service and five star commitment from them! I recommend them to everyone.”

Lyle Williams – Honorable Lyle Williams Member of Congress 1979-1985
Executive Director NASPAC